Catherine Bacik

Attercoppe Hall surprised me. I wasn’t sure exactly what to expect and often it takes a while for me to become invested in a story. However, it only took two chapters and the introduction of AElfgyva and Vital and I was drawn into the story. The two characters, who felt like the meeting point between their two worlds, were alive and pulled me into their world and story. All the characters made me either love them, pity them or despise them. The Norman Conquest came to life in the pages and the clash of two peoples became real. While the true story behind the tapestry may never be fully known, the author spun a beautiful tale of what might have been through the eyes of each character she created. I highly recommend you pick up this book and loose yourself in this world of conquered England and the lives that were woven around and into this mysterious tapestry.

Ansley Knopf

Just finishing this beautiful copy of a completely entrancing book, Attercoppe Hall.

Masterfully crafted, and enticing you along the journey of intrigue, secrets, plots and deceit.
This novel artistically weaves historical context with the imagination of possibility.

For anyone who is looking for something to read that will draw your curiosity and attention and pique your interest from the first page, look no further.